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    Creasing, Folding & Perforating

    March 27, 2023

    Creasing, Folding & Perforating

    Here at Chilvers Reprographics we stock a range of creasers, folders and perforators including both new and pre-owned options. Some systems can perforam multiple functions, having the ability to score, slit, perforate, crease and fold all in one machine. The Magnum MC35AS-MKF and the Multigraf CF375 are a couple of great examples (images below).


    CARD CREASING MACHINES include heavy duty and manual creasing options. From a simple creasing bone to fully automated systems we can help find the perfect card creasing solution for you.

    When card is folded by hand the fibres break resulting in a cracked, unprofessional looking finish which looks even worse when you are using printed stock. Creasing machines eliminate this problem giving a nice clean crease. You can see the difference in the images below (both the same printed card stock) the image on the left was folded and creased by hand whereas the image on the right was done on a creasing machine.

    Buying the correct creasing machine for your needs will depend on the size of the sheet and the volumes you need to process. Popular manual machines include the MAG35 or the HC460. If something a little faster or more automated is required there are semi-auto and air-feed machines that also have programming of jobs to speed things up.
    Card creasing machines are great for greetings cards, menus, book covers and general print finisahing jobs.

    FOLDERS range from basic friction fed desktop versions through to high volume vacuum fed solutions for high volume folding environments. To speed up the process most folders either have a friction feed or suction feed and will perform a single fold or double fold. If you need to fold gloss stock then a suction feed folder would be required. There are also specialist card folding machines available.

    Some examples below of the different fold types

    A very good bench top friction feed folder is the Magnum FS with speeds of up to 7800 sheets per hour.

    PERFORATING MACHINES include hand operated to high production air-suction feed systems. Perforating creates a line of tiny holes in the paper or card used to allow easy separation. Typical applications include tear off cheques, vouchers, raffle tickets, invoice/delivery note, books, coupons, checkbooks, warranty cards, tickets, all sorts of forms etc.

    Perforators can be broken up into manual, semi-automatic and full-automatic designs. Manual perforators typically work like a rotary paper cutter, requiring the user to slide the perforating wheel across a rail or bar. Semi-automatic perforators usually require manual setup, but use an electric motor to complete the perforation process.
    A good example is the Magnum MC-35.

    Fully automatic perforators with air feed use a panel to set the job up and use a motor to complete the perforation. The type you use depends on the needs of your business. Consider job volumes, maximum sheet size, how many rows of perforations you may need some machines are able to take as many as 15 perforating wheels.

    There are different types of perforator blades used for different projects. The different types are based on the amount of teeth the blade has. The teeth are the small notches used to punch tiny holes in paper. Different perforating blades have different amounts of teeth that punch different amounts of holes per inch. More holes per inch sometimes called micro perf is generally used for thinner paper.

    We have a selection of useful videos on creasers, folders amd perforators, you can check these out on our
    YouTube channel.

    If you dont see the perfect machine for your application contact us on 01908 563149 / sales@chilvers.co.uk to discuss your requirements. You may have some samples that you would like us to test on a particular machine, we can do that and send them back to you so that you can see the results for yourself before purchasing.

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